Dec 26, 2018 by   MagicByteSolutuions   0   781 views

Which SEO Techniques Will Turn Obsolete In the year 2019?

The vast landscape of Search Engine Optimization is continuously changing. Web Search nowadays is mobile-centric and based on ML (machine learning) algorithms. Undoubtedly, the tactics and strategies used in yesteryears are still much relevant but there’s a need of filter that can isolate what walks further and what comes to an end.


On having a discussion with the SEO Services Company touching the sky of success, we get accustomed to some significant facts pertaining to this field. Let’s discuss ‘what are they?’ Actually, the adept professionals reveal that SEO in 2019 will going to be less or more similar to what it was in the year 2018, excluding some changes and tweaks. With constant updates in Google search algorithm, organizations now need to focus more than ever on rendering quality services with no drawbacks. The first step in the practice to attain higher ranks on SERPs is understanding what will not work further so as to save time for other result-oriented tasks. The below guide will make you aware of what will be of no longer use in SEO. So, let’s have a look:


SEO Techniques and Trends That Don’t Work Anymore


Keyword Overloading: In infancy, keywords ruled SEO. Higher the keyword density, better is the ranking.


Keyword Density is the ratio of the number of times the targeted keywords were included versus the total number of words.


This compelled people to repeat the targeted keywords in their web page or content as many times as they could.  But, understanding ‘keyword stuffing is a bad practice that comprises content quality’, Google has changed its algorithm and blogs with more than expected keywords will not proffer any benefit.


Poor User Experience: Data Usage acts as a paramount identifier of user experience. Analyzing it, Google draws crucial insights regarding users’ interaction with a website. One of the important parameters that aid search engines in such analyzation are ‘Bounce Rate’.


Low bounce rate means that the visitors spend quality time on your website. On the other hand, high bounce rate shows that people hardly spend any time on your site, thus leaving it immediately. If the bounce rate is low, Google gets an idea that content, information, services, etc., on your site, is not obliging. Hence, don’t dare to enrich your site with misleading or unnecessary statistics so as to prevent receiving negative reviews and further bear drops in rankings.


Spam Comments: Such comments can easily ruin articles and blogs even when they hold great content. For instance – when users scroll down to the comments section and find redundant and dummy spam comments, they might leave your site or write negative reviews.


However, ‘No followed’ links nowadays alert search engines not to give undue pass or credit for any authority to URL with such comments.


Some operative solutions for links driven by spam comments are:


  • WordPress plugins allow website owners to determine and filter such unwanted comments
  • To enable any comment, websites today ask for optimal details like username, email, or other.
  • Practices of Blacklisting habitual criminals.


According to the proficient SEO Company, this is the most impactful thing that you should stop including in your search engine optimization process now.


Unnatural Links: Black Hat SEO was infamous for deploying techniques, tactics, and strategies that didn’t work as per Google’s rules, policies, and even general ethics. A few of these encompass:


  • Individuals using white backgrounds to put (hide) white text so that nobody except search engines could identify it.
  • Unnatural or hidden links appear as the reformed variation of such negative tactics.


Obviously, the visitors to a website are unable to see or determine these content or links but Google keeps crawling them in the background. However, the specific practice was predominant since the starting of the internet but today, it must be evaded at all costs so as to stay far away from harms like blacklisting and bad reputation.


Intrusive Interstitial Ads: Unwanted interstitial ads have become a snag user commonly suffer with. These ads lead to screen blocking and thus, degrading the user experience. And as Google nowadays put user grievances on topmost priority, deploying unwanted or irritating pop-ups, ads, etc., no longer proffer beneficial results. Considering the annoyance website visitors have to undergo due to such frustrating ads, search engines issue warnings to them.


Conclusion: Well! These were the old/outdated SEO techniques 2019 that you must leave employing in your future Search Engine Optimization strategies. This simple practice will aid you in preventing the loss of your precious time that can be used for finding the best tactics applicable in the approaching year. In case, any query or confusion associated with this industry, consult SEO Services Company. Professionals will bestow you with the solutions that ensure your business success.

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